


 Today,I made two kinds of cookies, chocolate chip cookies and cocoa chocolate chip cookies. Because I will give my friends them. I want to give them on Valentine's Day, but we can't meet each other. I wish they could like them. In the future, if I make a boyfriend, I want to make various snacks and sweets for him^▼^❤❤

4 件のコメント:

rimach さんのコメント...

So... when will you give them your cookies?

I'm sure you'll find a good boy friend in the near future, but be careful not to let him eat too much (^^)

YUI さんのコメント...

On February 11th, I gave them cookies. They said"your cookies which you made are good." I'm very happy☆

OK^_^; I'll be careful. I wish I could be a good boy friend❤ By the way,my deal boyfriend type who is kind, honest, so-so handsome, not self-centered, can play tennis with me, can speak English and go abroad with me. But I hate a boy who is wearing pierced earrings, dyning gold and brown and so on, short-tempered and so on. So, I wish I could marry very good boy in the future.

※Tomorrow is my birthday.

rimach さんのコメント...

Happy birthday!!

YUI さんのコメント...

Thank you(^^)